Thursday, February 24, 2011

da minutes

Flow-Wriston-March 1st @ 9 p.m.

Greenfire, The Movie-March 3 @ 7 p.m. @ UW Fox Valley- E-mail us if you want to go, so we can buy you a ticket!

Housing-If you want to live here next year, start thinking about it. We want to start getting an idea of who wants to live here. There will be LOTS of hazing. (a.k.a. Neva Neva Land)

4/20 Planet Earth (Outside maybe?)


Potluck-at Greenfire. Sunday before Earthday. Campus Black Out. “Who Killed the Electric Car”. Seeds in cups. Make cups/trail mix. Make recycled paper. Journal making. Bag Making. Face Painting. Greenfire tie-dye t-shirts. Campus Bands (Tribal Princess). Tent/no tent? Button-making. ORC bikes. Mend shit lessons. Free Massages. Yoga (Suzy or Annie).

E-mail with ideas! Or just talk to us.



Wednesday, February 2, 2011

Hey Greenies!

Maybe you've seen the signs, maybe you've heard the buzz - Greenfire has declared February

"Waste Reduction Month"

If you see people toting a trash bag, ask them why!
If you overhear a clock talk, stop and listen!

If you have more questions, check out our website
or stop by during a meeting,
8:30pm Thursdays at Sabin, or anytime at all.

Stay Warm,

P.S. Remember Coffee discounts in the Cafe when you B.Y.O.Mug!



Monday at 8-Meet here to get your trash bags ready.

SCULPTURE BUILDING-GO collect cups-ALSO on Monday @ 8 p.m.

Clean Plate Challenge-FEB. 14th-20th-if you’re interested in working, e-mail

Times we need people to work are:

WED 6-7, THURS 5-6, THURS 6-7, FRI 5-6, SAT 5-6, SAT 6-7, SUN 6-7.

e-mail to sign up!

-encourage others to get their recycling in the recycling-the whole month

-$1 coffee if you bring your own mug

-floating trash bags in campus center

MEET ON TUES @ GREENFIRE @ 8 a.m. to do this!

Clock Talks-If you’re interested in doing this, e-mail us. Stand on the clock tower by Main. You’re going to advertise for Waste Reduction Month. Song & Dance?

CHRIS PAINE- He’s available to come to Lawrence on Tues, May 3.

HOUSE Party-Feb. 5th. Yes, it’s after Jill Beck’s ball.

HECKRODT-7-9 p.m. on Feb. 17th-Heckrodt Teacher Naturalist Training Meeting-volunteer to be a TN and teach environmental education to local kids! Contact: Caitie Williamson



Thursday, January 6, 2011

Minutes: January 6th

-international competition. they weigh Lawrence’s garbage/recycling and compare it to per capita amounts. Get people to think about how much they’re wasting. Feb. 6-April 2.

Clean Plate Challenge
-Fresh start, babies!!
-Let’s have it the 3rd week of February and have a ….

waste-reduction month.
-Reduce cups, and get coffee discounts if you have a reusable cup.
-Hand out extra GreenRoots H20 bottles.
-Campaign for hankies.
-Dorm reps.-get it started everywhere

-Go learn from farmers!
-Sleep at Laura Streyle’s house
-Feb 24-26
-If you’re interested, Greenfire can fund you!
-E-mail by Mon. if you want to do it.

Little Something Greens
-notes that remind people not to waste. BRING IT BACK! Iike “you don’t need a radiator to turn up the heat.”
-Tomorrow @ 2:15. We’re gonna hang ‘em. Join Sophie at the Greenfire house.
-If you want to start your own time to do that! & talk to us.

Andrew wants to hand little something greens out to townies real bad.

-Let’s teach kids about recycling. If you know how we could do this, let us know! By e-mail or wurd.
-Carry around your garbage for a week.
-18 hour danceathon to benefit a green cause.
-Put up Promotions for Moon Cup vs. Tampons. Talk to Act Natural?

Earth Day Planning! Get ready, folks

Monday, January 3, 2011

Welcome back to campus, Lawrentians!

The first Greenfire meeting of the term is this Thursday at 8:30pm in the Greenfire House. We hope to see everyone there! (bring your friends!)